Thursday, October 19, 2006


A conversation....this was narrated by an IAF pilot to IIT students on special seminar for HUMAN RELATION.

My parents left for our native place on Thursday and we went to the airport to see them off. In fact, my father had never traveled by air before,

so I just took this opportunity to make him experience the same. In spite of being asked to book tickets by train, I got them tickets on
Jet Airways.

The moment I handed over the tickets to him, he was surprised to see that I had booked them by air. The excitement was very apparent on his face,

waiting for the time of travel. Just like a school boy, he was preparing himself on that day and we all went to the airport, right from
using the trolley for his luggage, the baggage check-in and asking for window seat and waiting restlessly for the security check-in to happen.
He was thoroughly enjoying himself and I, too, was overcome with joy watching him experience all these things.

As they were about to go in for the security check-in, he walked up to me with tears in his eyes and thanked me. He became very emotional and
it was not as if I had done something great but the fact that this meant a great deal to him.

When he said thanks, I told him there was no need to thank me. But later, thinking about the entire incident, I looked back at my life.

As a child how many dreams our parents have made come true. Without understanding the financial situation, we ask for cricket bats, dresses, toys,
outings, etc. Irrespective of their affordability, they have catered to all our needs. Did we ever think about the sacrifices they had to make
to accommodate many of our wishes? Did we ever say thanks for all that they have done for us?

Same way, today when it comes to our children, we always think that we should put them in a good school. Regardless of the amount of donation,
we will ensure that we will have to give the child the best, theme parks, toys, etc. But we tend to forget that our parents have sacrificed a
lot for our sake to see us happy, so it is our responsibility to ensure that their dreams are realized and what they failed to see when they
were young, it is our responsibility to ensure that they experience all those and their life is complete.

Many times, when my parents had asked me some questions, I have actually answered back without patience. When my daughter asks me something,

I have been very polite in answering. Now I realize how they would have felt at those moments. Let us realize that old age is a second childhood
and just as we take care of our children, the same attention and same care need to be given to our parents and elders.

Rather than my dad saying thank you to me, I would want to say sorry for making him wait so long for this small dream. I do realize how much
he has sacrificed for my sake and I will do my best to give the best possible attention to all their wishes.
Just because they are old does not mean that they will have to give up everything and keep sacrificing for their grandchildren also. They have
wishes, too. Take good care of ur good parents

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Emotional Management

When someone is doing something or is about to do something, in a way we don't want it to be done and when we are not able to accept it, we become angry.

However, when someone is doing something or is about to do something, in a way we don't want it to be done - and we are able to accept it - We remain tolerant.

When someone has something which we don't have, or someone is able to produce the results which we are not able to produce - and we are not able to accept it - we become jealous.

When someone has something which we don't have or someone is able to produce the results which we are not able to produce and we are able to accept it we get inspired.

When Someone is present in our thoughts, but if not physically present and we are not able to accept it - We say 'I am missing you'.

When someone is present in our thoughts, but not physically present - and we are able to accept it - We say 'I am thinking of you'.

Then emotional equation is quite simple.
Something + Acceptance = Positive Emotion

Something + Non Acceptance = Negative Emotion

So, it is not 'Something' or 'someone' who is making us feel positive or negative, but it is our 'acceptance' or 'non acceptance' of something or someone, which is making us feel positive or negative.

It isn't the world but the quality of our response to the world (acceptance or non acceptance) that determines the quality of our emotions.

Next time we feel disturbed with a negative emotion, instead of asking who or what is disturbing us, we will examine who or what we are resisting (not accepting) that is causing this disturbance in us. We will replace resistance (non acceptance) with acceptance, and the negative emotion will turn into a positive one.

Emotional management begins by stopping to blame that 'something' or 'someone' and starting to take the responsibility to respond to life with 'acceptance'.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Easy Ways To Avoid Dandruff

(CBS) Dandruff is a very common condition of the scalp, reports medical contributor Dr. Emily Senay. It's estimated that it affects about one in three people. The skin on your head renews itself by shedding old skin. And that typically happens about every four weeks or so. But with dandruff, the process is sped up and there is an overgrowth of cells. These cells tend to clump together and absorb the oils produced in the hair follicle which can make the flakes even larger.


Many people wrongly assume that it's a dry scalp that promotes dandruff but in fact, it's an oily scalp that's actually is a major trigger for dandruff.

You may not want to hear this, but you have many microorganisms on your head. And your skin's secretions usually keep them in check. But if you have too many of them, it can lead to flaking.

This may surprise a lot of people but stress can actually contribute to dandruff. The reason is, is that when you are feeling anxious
your skin's secretions increase which impairs resistance to the microorganisms that we just spoke about.

Cold, dry weather can often make dandruff worse.


For many people, just washing your hair more often with regular shampoo can decrease flakes. And be sure to rinse well.

There are several popular and very effective dandruff fighting shampoos on the market such as X-Seb -T , Selsun Blue, Head & Shoulders, Neutrogena T-Gel and Nizoral A-D. Now each of these shampoos contain a different active ingredient. For instance T-Gel contains Tar. Many people find relief from Tar based products but others don't. So if after using one brand of shampoo you find that the flakes aren't going away, try another brand.

An overuse of products such as mousses, gels and hairsprays can lead to the accumulation of oils on the hair and scalp.

We are only talking about moderate exposure here, because as we all know, too much sun can lead to skin cancer. But what happens is that exposure to the sunlight may produce an anti-inflammatory effect, making your scalp less sensitive.

If all of the above methods have failed, you'll want to contact your physician. He or she can prescribe shampoos that contain higher doses of dandruff fighting ingredients as well as topical solutions that contain cortisone.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

About Marital Relationships

About Relationships

1. It starts with you
The happier you are with yourself and your life, the more attractive you are to your partner. Another way to look at this is: if you were someone else, would you marry you? Start today to work on being the kind of person you would want to know, date, and marry. If you're not that kind of person, how can you expect your spouse to stay attracted or stay passionate?
2. There's you, there's him/her, and then there's we.
You don't have to give up your identity or be known as your spouse's partner.
It also doesn't work when two people each do their own thing without regard to their partner's wishes and feelings. Marriage is, and should be, more than cohabitation. As the marriage vows state, "two shall be as one". That "one" is neither you nor him. The "one" is a third entity: the relationship, the marriage, the "we".
The "we" is what you share, what you have in common, the nurturing that cannot be provided on your own. Think companionship, intimacy, and sharing.
3. Leave behind your emotional baggage
Are you really over your previous relationship? If not, you can't fully commit to your spouse. Likewise, if you are still Daddy's little girl or Mommy's boy, you are not in control of your own life. Therefore, you cannot fully enter into an adult relationship of mutual sharing and support. You can't be accountable to your spouse if you have to keep pleasing Mommy or Daddy.
4. Your marriage comes first
Marriage is the strongest bond between two people. Parents are here and one day they are gone. Children grow into adults and leave to start their own lives. Your spouse is only person who is meant to stay with you the rest of your time on this planet.
Women who say their children come first are usually unable to let their children grow up and become independent adults. Instead of a mature adult-adult relationship, the roles are forever adult-child. So the children never emotionally leave home and are forever dependent on the parent.
These women are always surprised when their mates get tired of being number two, and decide to leave for someone else who WILL put them first.
5. Your marriage is your top priority.
You didn't get married to commute two hours a day, work at the office 60 hours a week, and pay on a mortgage for 30 years. You probably got married to share your life, your hopes, your dreams-not your bills-with that special someone. During life's ups and especially during life's downs, keep in mind why you married in the first place. Not jobs, nor cars, nor your favorite sports team. At one time, your partner was the most important thing in this world to you. Act like it today and every day.
6. Don't compare
This holds true in your life as well as in your marriage. There will always be a couple that seems happier, wealthier, sexier, and more perfect than you two are. So what? Their happiness doesn't increase or diminish your happiness. Neither does their money, their jobs, their house, or their glamour. All that matters is whether you and your spouse have created a relationship that works for you.
7. Don't wonder "what if?"
Wondering what it would be like to be with another person-for a night or for a lifetime-is self-delusion and is really unfair to your spouse. You see other people socially when they are at their best. You see your spouse when he/she is at his best, her average, and sometimes at her worst. If you could swap mates, guess what? You'd see that person at his/her worst, and you probably wouldn't like what you see.
8. Realize that love can grow.
As much as you were in love when you got married, your love and commitment to each other can grow over the years. Marriage can get better, not worse, with time. The longer you've been married, the more history you have together.The triumphs and disappointments, the successes and the failures, all are part of sharing a life together. And that history is unique to you. No one else has that or can duplicate it. This is why a man who leaves his middle aged wife for a younger woman eventually wants to come back. With his wife he has a history-a shared past. With the new woman there is only the present.
9. Commitment means no matter what.
It's as simple as making the decision to be totally committed to your spouse and to the relationship. No matter what happens financially, or health wise, or otherwise. No matter what. Once the two of you have decided to stay "no matter what", there is no question of stay or go, yes or no. Now the emphasis is on problem solving. Write this down: all couples have problems. Happy couples learn to deal with their problems. Unhappy couples eventually just run away.
10. Believe that a happy marriage is not only possible, it's yours for the making.
It won't happen by itself. It takes intention, commitment, and practice. But the couples who have happy, blissful, and satisfying marriages are proof that it is possible. Just choose to be happy, and choose to be happily married.

About The Author
Alan Stafford, Certified Coach. "Helping Singles and Couples Find Love that Lasts a Lifetime". Subscribe to our newsletter at for relationship tips and advice.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Flying and the ear (factsheet)

The effects of flying on your ears and hearing
Many people, whether they are hearing or deaf, or they have tinnitus, find that flying can cause pain or discomfort in their ears, and temporary hearing loss. These side effects usually last only while you are flying and should get back to what is normal for you after a short time.
What causes pain and discomfort?
Pain or discomfort in your ears and temporary hearing loss during flying results from a difference between the air pressure in the part of your ear called the 'middle ear' and the atmospheric pressure of the plane. The middle ear is behind your eardrum, or tympanic membrane, and it contains the ossicles that conduct sound to the inner ear and nerve of hearing.
The space in the middle ear is normally filled with air at the same pressure as the surrounding air. Air reaches the middle ear through the eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat. The eustachian tube is closed for 95% of the time and only opens when you swallow or yawn: when this happens the air pressure on either side of the eardrum evens out.
After an aeroplane takes off, the pressure inside slowly drops. Usually this does not cause a problem as the air in the middle ear is at a relatively high pressure and gets blown down the eustachian tube.
You are most likely to get pain or discomfort, or hearing loss, when the plane comes down to land. During landing, the air in the middle ear is at a lower pressure than that in the plane. The eustachian tube may become blocked and the small muscles in the throat may not be able to open it. The resulting low pressure in the middle ear causes the eardrum to press inward, causing discomfort or pain, and temporary hearing loss. This small temporary reduction in your hearing may make a huge difference in your ability to understand speech if you already have a hearing loss. However, the blockage usually clears up by itself after a short time.
The inner ear and flying
Very occasionally, sudden decompression - a drop in air pressure - occurs in the plane. This can affect the inner ear and cause a sudden disturbance in your balance and hearing. Though this is extremely rare, if it happens to you, you should go to the accident and emergency department of the nearest hospital as quickly as possible to check for any damage and to get treatment.
If you develop any ear problems or conditions during or following a flight which do not clear up after a few hours, you should see your GP.
Reducing the effects of flying on your ear
You can do a number of things to reduce the effects of flying on your ear. Most of these help to help keep your eustachian tube open.
The eustachian tube does not open effectively when you are sleeping. Make sure you are awake before the plane begins its descent, which may start up to an hour before it lands.
Yawn, chew gum or suck on a hard sweet to encourage your eustachian tube to open.
Keep swallowing, using a glass of water or another drink, but not alcohol. Do this regularly; every 15 to 30 seconds if you need to. If this does not clear your ears, carry out the 'Valsalva manoeuvre': pinch your nose between your finger and thumb, and gently blow air down it with your mouth closed, without releasing the air. If you hear or feel air going into your ears then your eustachian tube is working well.
Make sure you are not dehydrated and that you have had plenty to drink. Do not drink alcohol.
Flying may be uncomfortable if you have a cold. When you get a cold or other infection around the nose and throat, the lining of the eustachian tube is swollen and gets blocked more easily. If you have to travel, ask your GP (family doctor) or local pharmacist for advice and ask about decongestants you can use. Decongestants reduce inflammation and relieve the blocked sensation. Many GPs recommend you use a decongestant spray about 20 minutes before you land. It is important not to use the spray for more than five days in a row.
Some people have reported that earplugs called EarPlanes® have helped them to fly comfortably. EarPlanes® are earplugs designed for flying. They have a small ventilation tube down the middle, which slows down the pressure change in the eardrum when the plane is pressurised and depressurised. However, so far, there has been no medical study to prove that EarPlanes® help people who normally get severe ear pain when flying. The use of ordinary soft earplugs is not recommended. You can buy EarPlanes® from RNID Sound Advantage (see "Buying equipment from RNID" for contact details) or try your high street pharmacy.
Tinnitus and flying
If you have tinnitus, you may find that flying is the one time when you are usually completely free of tinnitus because of the noise made by the engines and airflow around the plane. However, if your eustachian tubes are blocked, your tinnitus may seem temporarily louder. It should return to its previous level when your eustachian tubes become unblocked.
If you have tinnitus and hearing loss, you will find that it is often the 'straining to hear' that makes your tinnitus louder when on a plane. If you normally wear hearing aids, you should keep them on during your flight as removing them may make your tinnitus louder and more noticeable. Being anxious about flying may make your tinnitus worse: basic relaxation exercises during the flight may help you. For further information about relaxation exercises, see our factsheet "Tinnitus and relaxation".
Very rarely, the sound of plane engines can make your tinnitus worse.
If you are worried about the noise of the plane engines, book ahead and try and get a seat near the front of the plane, away from the engines. Sound generators that you wear can help to reduce any discomfort due to loud sounds such as engine noise. For more information about sound generators, see our factsheet "Equipment, sound therapy and tinnitus".
Grommets and flying
Flying is less likely to cause discomfort in a child or adult with a grommet in their ear. The grommet allows air in and out of the ear and reduces the stress on the eardrum that is caused by changes in air pressure in the plane. However, children who have a history of frequent ear infections or have had grommets in the past (but no longer have them) are occasionally at risk of perforation of the eardrum when flying. If you are worried about this, ask your GP.
If you have perforated eardrums as a result of infection or injury, flying is also less likely to cause discomfort. This is because any change in pressure can even out across the eardrum and does not depend on the eustachian tube working normally.
Flying after ear surgery
If you have any kind of ear surgery, always check first with your ear, nose and throat (ENT) consultant when it would be safe for you to fly.
Flying and anxiety
If you are anxious about the effects of flying on your ears and worried about flying generally, discuss your fears with your GP. Very rarely they may prescribe tranquillisers. Relaxation and breathing exercises can also be helpful for anxiety in general.
If your only worry is that flying may be harmful to your ears, in almost all cases you can go ahead and enjoy your flight. If your reason for flying is to take a holiday, you have something enjoyable and relaxing to look forward to!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Good information about PAN Number...

Good information about PAN Number...

If you can't remember your PAN number then...

SMART WAY: If you're outside somewhere and if you want to know your PAN

number then now it's just a click away. You can check it online using

following URL:

SMARTER WAY: Simple, keep it in your mobile as a contact (in e-mail id

section of a contact!).

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Professor began his class by holding up a glass with some water in it.
He held it up for all to see & asked the students,' How much do you
think this glass weighs?'
'50gms!' .... '100gms!' ......'125gms' .....the students answered.
'I really don't know unless I weigh it,' said the professor, 'but, my
question is: What would happen if I held it up like this for a few minutes?'
'Nothing' the students said.
'Ok what would happen if I held it up like this for an hour?' the
professor asked.
'Your arm would begin to ache' said one of the students.
'You're right, now what would happen if I held it for a day?'
'Your arm could go numb, you might have severe muscle stress & paralysis
& have to go to hospital for sure!' ventured another student & all the
students laughed.
'Very good. But during all this, did the weight of the glass change?'
asked the professor.
'Then what caused the arm ache & the muscle stress?' The students were
'Put the glass down!' said one of the students.
'Exactly!' said the professor.' Life's problems are something like this.
Hold it for a few minutes in your head & they seem OK. Think of them
for a long time & they begin to ache. Hold it even longer & they Begin
to paralyze you. You will not be able to do anything.
It's important to think of the challenges (problems) in your life, but
EVEN MORE IMPORTANT to 'put them down' at the end of every day before
You go to sleep. That way, you are not stressed, you wake up every day
fresh & strong & can handle any issue, any challenge that comes your way!'
So, as it becomes time for you to leave office today, Remember friend to

how poor people live ?

One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family. On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, "How was the trip?" "It was great, Dad." "Did you see how poor people live?" the father asked. "Oh yeah," said the son. "So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?" asked the father. The son answered: "I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night. Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon. We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight. We have servants who serve us, but they serve others. We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them." The boy's father was speechless. Then his son added, "Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are."
Appreciate every single thing you have!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Urgency in needing Blood !

where u can search for a particular blood group, you get thousands of donor addresses:

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

kamal hassan

For people who love kamal hassan.
filmfare awards
kamal hassan - 17
dilipkumar - 8
shahrukh khan - 6

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Is Reliance going to take the Telecom market of india by storm ?

GSM users - Bold to face the reality ?
  • Audio Conferencing
  • Video Conferencing
  • Internet
  • Leased Line
  • VPN
  • IPLC
Reliance services
RConnect - Internet connectivity
TMS @ 2 Rs per minute anywhere to india
Reliance to expand its services to GSM other than being the leader of CDMA networks.

Reliance the leader in making.. may take the generation by storm shortly..

Is Reliance going to take the Telecom market of india by storm ?

GSM users - Bold to face the reality ?
  • Audio Conferencing
  • Video Conferencing
  • Internet
  • Leased Line
  • VPN
  • IPLC
Reliance services
RConnect - Internet connectivity
TMS @ 2 Rs per minute anywhere to india
Reliance to expand its services to GSM other than being the leader of CDMA networks.

Reliance the leader in making.. may take the generation by storm shortly..

TMS - Talk Messaging Service

Reliance extends the benefits of messaging of Mobile phones to country's landlines
Introduces Talking Message Service (TMS), the next generation short message Service
Now you can send voice messages from Reliance Mobile to any phone in India, be it mobile, FWP or landline
DAKC,Navi Mumbai, April 27, 2006
For the first time in India, both mobile phones as well as landlines, irrespective of their operator can receive a short voice message in any language across the country. Reliance Infocomm's Talking Message Service or TMS, the next generation short voice message service launched today will allow all Reliance Mobile users to send voice messages to not only other mobiles but Fixed Wireless phones and landlines.
"Messaging is no longer going to be limited to texting. TMS will give a new dimension to short messages with a personalized touch of customer's own voice. Now one can send the messages with the same intensity of expression, personalization, caring, etc... We are confident that this cool offering will be a huge success amongst the youth and those who do not prefer texting," says Mahesh Prasad, President, Applications and Solutions Group, Reliance Communications.
What is more interesting is the fact that this service is operator independent and technology agnostic. That means a conventional BSNL/MTNL landline can also receive a TMS, so can any GSM or any other CDMA customer.
To use the service, Reliance customers will have to dial 1234111 from their phone (Mobile or Hello) and follow the simple voice prompts to record the message and send it on any mobile or landline number nationwide. The recipient will get a message on their mobile alerting of an incoming Talking Message. After receiving the alert, customers will get a call playing back the Talking Message from the sender of the message with sender's phone number (CLI). If the recipient is a Reliance customer, and he/she is busy and does not want to take the Talking Message call, they have the convenience of retrieving the Talking Messages, which are stored for 24 hours duration by calling 1234111. If the recipient is a landline customer, he/she will receive calls, which will playback the message. All calls made to 1234111 to record or retrieve a Talking Message are charged at Rs.2/Min.
TMS also has the potential to make messaging an easier option for people in smaller towns and cities where English has been the biggest deterrent in attracting users to the world of SMS. TMS removes any language barrier or the trouble of typing and is being seen as the first step towards Messaging taking the next big leap in the interiors of the country.
R World has worked wonders with it's over a billion pages of information, rich media content and video clips. Thanks to its wide range of applications it has endeared itself to users from all walks of life. Its applications include TV news clips, ball-by-ball cricket score and other information, latest movie clips, city and TV guides, railway reservations, banking, bill payment, examination results.
Reliance Communications Venture Ltd. (RCVL), a member of the Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group, is India's foremost integrated telecommunications company with over 19 million Indian and 500,000 global individual consumers. RCVL's corporate clientele includes 600 Indian and 250 multinational corporations, and - through subsidiary FLAG Telecom -- over 200 global carriers.
The company has a pan-Indian, next generation, integrated (wireless and wireline), convergent (voice, data and video) digital network that is capable of supporting best-of-class services spanning the entire Infocomm value chain.

Friday, June 30, 2006

why they are named so..

The word was invented by Jonathan Swift and used in his book Gulliver's Travels. It represents a person who is repulsive in appearance and action and is barely human. Yahoo! founders Jerry Yang and David Filo selected the name because they considered themselves yahoos.

The Greek root "xer" means dry. The inventor, Chestor Carlson, named his product Xerox as it was dry copying, markedly different from the then prevailing wet copying.

Sun Micro Systems
Founded by four Stanford University buddies, Sun is the acronym for Stanford University Network.

From the Latin word 'sonus' meaning sound, and 'sonny' a slang used by Americans to refer to a bright youngster.

"Systems, Applications, Products in Data Processing", formed by four ex-IBM employees who used to work in the 'Systems/Applications/Projects' group of IBM.

Red Hat
Company founder Marc Ewing was given the Cornell lacrosse team cap (with red and white stripes) while at college by his grandfather. He lost it and had to search for it desperately. The manual of the beta version of Red Hat Linux had an appeal to readers to return his Red Hat if found by anyone!

Larry Ellison and Bob Oats were working on a consulting project for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The code name for the project was called Oracle (the CIA saw this as the system to give answers to all questions or something such).

Founder Paul Galvin came up with this name when his company started manufacturing radios for cars. The popular radio company at the time was called Victrola.

It was coined by Bill Gates to represent the company that was devoted to MICROcomputer SOFTware. Originally christened Micro-Soft, the '-' was removed later on.

Mitch Kapor got the name for his company from the lotus position or 'padmasana.' Kapor used to be a teacher of Transcendental Meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Bob Noyce and Gordon Moore wanted to name their new company ' Moore Noyce' but that was already trademarked by a hotel chain, so they had to settle for an acronym of INTegrated ELectronics.

Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard tossed a coin to decide whether the company they founded would be called Hewlett-Packard or Packard-Hewlett.

Founder Jack Smith got the idea of accessing email via the web from a computer anywhere in the world. When Sabeer Bhatia came up with the business plan for the mail service, he tried all kinds of names ending in 'mail' and finally settled for Hotmail as it included the letters "html" - the programming language used to write web pages. It was initially referred to as HoTMaiL with selective upper casings.

The name started as a jockey boast about the amount of information the search-engine would be able to search. It was originally named 'Googol', a word for the number represented by 1 followed by 100 zeros. After founders - Stanford graduate students Sergey Brin and Larry Page presented their project to an angel investor, they received a cheque made out to 'Google

The name is not an acronym but an abbreviation of San Francisco . The company's logo reflects its San Francisco name heritage. It represents a stylized Golden Gate Bridge .

Apple Computers
Favourite fruit of founder Steve Jobs. He was three months late in filing a name for the business, and he threatened to call his company Apple Computers if the other colleagues didn't suggest a better name by 5 o'clock .

It got its name because its founders got started by applying patches to code written for NCSA's httpd daemon. The result was 'A PAtCHy' server - thus, the name Apache.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Easiest way to choose the cheapest combination of flights

Friends, today i found a lovely search engine by rediff, to provide the lowest search of fares and time gaps between flying, to and fro. Enjoy flying !!!

Rediff fare search.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Narayana Murthy's views on staying late in the office

Narayana Murthy's views on staying late in the office It's half past 8 in the office but the lights are still on... PCs still running, coffee machines still buzzing... and who's at work? Most of them??? Take a closer look... All or most specimens are 20-something male species of the human race... Look closer... again all or most of them are bachelors... and why are they sitting late? Working hard? No way!!! Any guesses??? Let's ask one of them... Here's what he says... "What's there 2 do after going home... here weget to surf, AC, phone, food, coffee.. thats is why I am working late...importantly no bossssssss!!!!!!!!!!! This is the scene in most research centres and software companies and other off-shore offices. Bachelors "time-passing" during late hours in the office just bcoz they say they've nothing else to do... Now what r the consequences... read on... "Working"(for the record only) late hours soon becomes part of the institute or company culture. With bosses more than eager to provide support to those "working" late in the form of taxi vouchers, food vouchers and of course good feedback,(oh, he's a hard worker... goes home only to change..!!).They aren't helping things too... To hell with bosses who don't understand the difference between "sitting" late and "working" late!!! Very soon, the boss start expecting all employees to put in extra working hours. So, My dear Bachelors let me tell you, life changes when u get married and start having a family... office is no longer a priority, family is... and that's when the problem starts... becoz u start having commitments at home too. For your boss, the earlier "hardworking" guy suddenly seems to become a "early leaver" even if u leave an hour after regulartime... after doing the same amount of work. People leaving on time after doing their tasks for the day are labeled as work-shirkers... Girls who thankfully always (its changing nowadays... though) leave on time are labeled as "not up to it". All the while, the bachelors pat their own backs and carry on "working" not realizing that they r spoiling the work culture at their own place and never realize that they wuld have to regret at one point of time. *So what's the moral of the story?? * * Very clear, LEAVE ON TIME!!! * Never put in extra time " *unless really needed *" * Don't stay back un-necessarily and spoil your company work culture which will in turn cause inconvenience to you and your colleagues. There are hundred other things to do in the evening.. Learn music... Learn a foreign language... try a sport... TT, cricket......... importantly Get a girl friend or gal friend, take him/her around town... * And for heaven's sake net cafe rates have dropped to an all-time low (plus, no fire-walls) and try cooking for a change. Take a tip from the Smirnoff ad: *"Life's calling, where are you??"* Please pass on this message to all those colleagues And please do it before leaving time, don't stay back till midnight to forward this!!!