Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hi Folks,
Found this triangle "Hierarchy of Needs/Wants/Give" very interesting on the web.. and wish to share with you.

Rajesh KVP

Sunday, November 07, 2010

2012 World Destruction ? - Hindu Prediction/Mayan Civilization/Nostradamus Predictions/Global Climate Change/Other Religious Predictions

Hi Friends,

Curious to know about 2012 and World Destruction, I researched through and am sharing some of my collections : [Do read with a brave heart, theories and discoveries made by Scientists/Religious Groups/Environmentalists/Astrologists etc]
2012 World Destruction ?

1. Mayan Civilization - 5000 years Calendar
2. Nostradamus Asteroid Impact 2012 & Comet Planet
3. Pole Shift & Pole Reversal

YouTube - World Destroyed By Fire!! [Comet Planet striking Earth]

Pole Shift & Pole Reversal in 2012 - by Patrick Geryl - Part-6
Other parts can be read from Youtube related links


Bible code and understanding
666(Satan's Number)/12-12-12(Destruction Year)/888(Jesus Christ)/888(Planets aligned at
8 degree)/Man coming on white Horse with a crown on Head told by Bible(symbolizes Kalki Avataar - Lord Vishnu
in Hinduism and a Holy Warrior in Islam) - So all religions talk about the
same Destruction followed by Good.

Hinduism - 10th Form of Lord Vishnu - Kalki Avataar/Incarnation - What will Happen and how to Save yourself ?

Islamic Comparison with Hinduism Religious Text and the same Narrated from Islamic Quaran
Verses - Dr.Zakir Naik's comparison of Kalki with Muslim Holy Warrior - Video

How to Save Earth ? - From Global Climate Change

So finally it seems the time has come when the World has to be cleansed of Evil and for Good to Prevail..
The Astrology/Science/Religion/Environmentalists all point to the major Disaster and also each one of
them show us the Path of how we can escape this Disaster (by Kind Deeds - Vegetarianism, adopting
alternate fuels, polluting the world less, stop having hatred towards mankind, Don't be binded by
force and Ego and live to attain happiness through refining oneself from Good Actions, Prayers to God,
Understanding the changes of Environment and plan for Betterment).

Hope all these articles listed out by me will help you !

Rajesh KVP

Global Climate Change/Appeal/Spread of word

Let us try and contribute as much as we can to make this world a wonderful place to live.


Rajesh KVP

How to have a healthy Life by following some simple steps :

Have a Strict Life/Habitual Pattern :-

1. Exercise about 20-30 mins without fail everyday
2. Have lots of fluids (about 8-12 glasses of water) + fruits
3. Eat moderately 4 meals a day at 4 hrs interval (or morning & afternoon normal and night moderate)
(say 8am,12pm,4pm,8pm) or accordingly with 4 hrs gap..
important is 4hrs gap..
4. Avoid coffee/tea or if you are habituated limit to 2 coffee's per day
(to avoid caffeine related problems)
5. Alcohol is strict No. But if you are a social drinker 1 or max 2 pegs
(But have a limit on how much you consume in a week)
6. You can eat spicy food..but not too spicy.
Also, don't eat spicy food everyday.. that's the trick..
7. Sleep about 7hrs a day (try and follow a strict pattern of sleep whenever you sleep)

Rajesh KVP