Thursday, July 29, 2010

What to do in Singapore, to avoid Boredom..

Read this thread and find out.. lots of good places suggested here..

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fish Philosophy

The Fish Philosophy  i nvolves four simple principles:
Be There -   When we interact with others, we need to really focus on that moment, with that person. We take responsibility for "being who we are while we're doing what we're doing."
Choose Your Attitude -   We can't control what happens to us, but we do have a choice about how we respond. By accepting responsibility for the attitude we choose, we also empower ourselves to change it.
Make Their Day -   Too often we ask, "What have you done for me lately?" instead of "How can I make your day?" If we turn the focus around and do little things to make others feel good, we can have a powerful, positive impact on the people in our lives.
Play -   This does not mean goof off, but it does mean bring a light-hearted spirit to life. Think about how much little kids learn by exploring, experimenting, playing. Why shouldn't we all approach life with the same curiosity and interest? Besides, it is more fun!