Thursday, August 18, 2011

Numerology Love Profile

Source :

Numero Love Profile
If your ruling number is 1, will you be passionate, romantic or adventurous? Will you be an impressive date?

1 – Your adventurous nature makes your love life highly passionate and your mate will never have a dull moment with you around. Short romantic vacations will make your love life exciting. You have the elegance and charm to impress your date and make sure he or she has a good time.

2 – You are a bit cautious and you keep your feelings guarded. Your bruised ego from a failed relationship may lead to an unsatisfactory love life. Your dating style needs a lot of improvement. You need to be a bit more socail and let your guard down.

3 – You are an optimistic and fun loving person. You meet new people all the time and your chances of falling in love more than once are quite high. You are a serial dater and will enjoy the time that you spend with your date having as much fun as you possibly can!

4 – Your conservative nature and your busy schedule leaves no room for love and increases the chances of love life being a little dull. Although you like the idea of falling in love you hardly ever have the time for it. To enjoy dating you need to expand your social circle and meet new people.

5 – You seek freedom no matter what you do. You will want to have a very understanding mate who gives you enough space and freedom to do what you want. A nagging wife is definitely not your cup of tea! Your dating style is quite cool and you have a unique style of your own which is quite impressive

6 – You are a responsible person and are not too much into fairytale romances. You will be equally happy with someone who is sensible and has much in common with you. It's not just looks that draws you to your mate. When you date someone, you like to take things slow and never jump into a relationship.

7 – You find it hard to express your feelings and get close to people. Chances of your having one sided relationships are quite high. But when you do have that special someone in your life, you will do everything you can to make him or her happy. You make friends but hardly ever go out on romantic dates.

8 – You like to be in control of your love life. You will not settle for anything less than true love. You want complete honesty and loyalty from your mate. Chances of your getting jealous are quite high. When it comes to dating, you need to learn to be a bit more subtle and not interrogate your date on the first meeting itself!

9 – You believe in passionate romances. Your marriage will be a dramatic affair and will surely be a love match. Your romantic affair will definitely get toungues wagging. When it come to dating you are a pro. You need no tips or advice and you know exactly how to get what you want.

Rajesh KVP

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What is Dharma ? - Listen from Yudhisthira

Hi Friends,

What is Dharma ? - Read from Yudhisthira, the noble King of Pandavas (Source: Mahabharata)
You have an old Shiva temple in Pakistan, Katasraj. This is the place where the Pandava brothers had come during their incognito travels of fourteen years according to the promise given to Kauravas. They were feeling thirsty, so the youngest brother, Sahdeva went to fetch water from the lake which had glittering pure water. Before he could do that a Yaksha (supernatural being, I do not believe in any but so the story goes) appeared and asked him to reply to his questions. Sahdeva disregarded his questions and was therefore, drowned by the Yaksha in the lake. This was repeated by other brothers, Nakula, Bheem, and Arjuna. Finally Yudhisthira went. He did not hurry to get water and replied to Yaksha's questions. Following is their conversation:

Yaksha asked: Who helps the sun to ascend (rise)? Who moves around it? Who sets the sun? Where is the sun established?
Yudhisthira replied: Brahma 'ascends' the sun. The deities moves around it. 'Dharm' (righteousness, virtuosity) 'sets' it and it is established in the 'truth' (Satya).

Yaksha asked: How does a man become 'Shrotriya' (One who studied the vedas)? How does he attain greatness? Who is man's second companion? How does a man become intelligent?
Yudhisthira replied: The study of the Vedas makes a man 'Shrotriya'. He attains greatness by penance. 'Patience' is his second companion. Servitude towards old-people makes him intelligent.

Yaksha asked: What is 'divinity' in the brahmins? What is the quality like a virtuous person in him? What is his human-like quality? What is the conduct like a non-virtuous person in him?
Yudhisthira replied: The self-study of the Vedas is the divinity in the brahmin. Penance is the quality like a virtuous person in him. Death is human like. Condeming others is his conduct like a non-virtuous person.

Yaksha asked: What is the divinity in a Kshatriya? What is the quality like a virtuous person in him? What is his human like quality? What is the conduct like a non-virtuous person in him?
Yudhisthira replied: The art of archery is the divinity is a Kshatriya. Oblation is his quality like a virtuous person in him, Fear is his human like quality. Abandoning people who have sought his refuge is his conduct like a non-virtuous person in him.

Yaksha asked: What is that object which is like a song in the performance of oblations (Yagya)? Who is the performer of religious rites during oblations? What is that object which accepts oblation? What is that which even (Yagya) can not transgress?
Yudhisthira replied: 'Breath' (Life) is like a song in the performance of oblation (Yagya). 'Mind' is the performer of religious rites during oblations. Only aphorism of the Veda (richa) accepts oblation. It is richa which even oblation can not transgress.

Yaksha asked: What is the most important thing for a person engaged in agriculture? What is the best thing for a person wanting to 'Sow'? What is best for an honourable prosperous man? What is best for a person having desire of an off spring?
Yudhisthira replied:'Rain' is the most important thing for a person engaged in agriculture 'Seed' is the best thing for 'Sowing' collection of cows and their nurture is best for an honourable prosperous man. 'Son' is best for a person having desire of an off spring.

Yaksha asked: Who is not alive inspite of being intelligent, honourable among the people, respected by men, who even enjoys the sensual pleasures and breaths?
Yudhisthira replied: A person who does not nurture the deities, guests, relatives who are dependent on him, dead ancestors and his soul is not alive inspite of breathing.

Yaksha asked: What is heavier than the earth? What is higher even than the Sky? What is faster even than the wind? What are innumerable than the straws?
Yudhisthira replied: The honour of the matter is heavier than the earth. 'Father' is higher than he sky. The mind is faster than the wind. Worries are innumerable than the straws.

Yaksha asked: Who keeps his eyes open even during his sleep? Who does not make an effort even after taking birth? Who is devoid of a heart? Who increases by force?
Yudhisthir replied: The fish keeps its eyes open even while sleeping. An egg does not make an effort even after taking birth. The 'stone' is devoid of a heart and the river increases by force.

Yaksha asked: Who is the friend of a Sojourner? Who is the friend of a house holder? Who is the friend of a sick man? Who is the friend of a man approaching death?
Yudhisthira replied: A co-traveller is the friend of a Sojourner. Wife is the friend of a householder. Physician is the friend of a sick man. Charity is the friend of a man approaching death.

Yaksha asked: Who is the guest of all the living beings? What is eternal religion (Sanatan dharm)? What is ambrosia? What is this whole world?
Yudhisthira replied: Fire is the guest of all the living beings. The indestructible religion is the Sanatan Dharma. The Cow's milk is ambrosia. The whole world is ether.

Yaksha asked: Who moves around alone? Who has a rebirth after his first birth? What is the medicine for cold? What has the greatest area?
Yudhisthira replied: The Sun moves around alone. The moon has a rebirth after its birth. 'Fire' is the medicine for cold. 'Earth' has the greatest area.

Yaksha asked: What is the chief place of religion? What is the chief place of fame? What is the chief place heaven? What is the chief place of joy?
Yudhisthira replied: Efficiency is the chief place of religion. Charity is the place of fame. Truth is the chief place of heaven. The chief place of joy is character.

Yaksha asked: What is a man's soul? What is his divine companion? What is his means of subsistence? What is his supreme refuge?
Yudhisthira replied: The son is a man's soul. His divine companion is his wife. Clouds are his means of subsistence. Charity is his supreme refuge.

Yaksha asked: What is the supreme quality in a man worthy if Thankfulness? What is the supreme wealth among all the wealth? What is the chief gain among all the gains? What is the supreme joy among all the joys?
Yudhisthira replied: Efficiency is the supreme quality in a man worthy of thankfulness. The knowledge of the scripture is the supreme wealth among all the wealth. Good health is the chief gain among all the gains. Contentment is the supreme joy among all the joys.

Yaksha asked: what is the best religion in this world? Which is the religon that gives eternal fruits? What is the thing, which is controlled, keeps away a man from sorrow? Friendship with whom is indestructible?
Yudhisthira replied: Compassion is the best religion in this world. Vedic religion gives eternal fruits. Control of mind keeps away a man from sorrow. Friendship with a virtuous man is indestructible.

Yaksha asked: What is the thing which after abandoning a man becomes dear? What is the thing, which after abandoning a man does not become sorrowful? What is the thing after abandoning which a man becomes wealthy? What is the thing after abandoning which a man becomes joyous?
Yudhisthira replied: A man becomes dear after abandoning arrogance. After abandoning anger a man does not become sorrowful, After abandoning lust he becomes wealthy. After abandoning greed a man becomes joyous.

Yaksha asked: Why is charity made to the brahmin? Why are donations made to the dancers and acrobats? What is the reason behind donation being given to the servants? Why are presentation made to the kings?
Yudhisthira replied: Charity is made to a brahmin for the sake of religion. Donations are made to the acrobats and dancers to achieve fame. Donations are made to the servants for their nurturement. Presentations are made to the kings out of fear.

Yaksha asked: What is this world covered by? What makes it invisible? For whom does a man abandons his friend? What prohibits a man from going to the heaven?
Yudhisthira replied: This world is covered by ignorance. It is invisible because of the dark qualities. A man abandons his friend because of greed. Attachment prohibits a man from going to the heaven.

Yaksha asked: When is a man called like a dead man? How does a nation die? How does a 'Shraddh' become dead? How does 'Yagya' (oblation) destroy?
Yudhisthira replied: A man stricken by poverty is like a dead man. A nation becomes dead without a king. A 'Shraddh' (remebrance ceremony for anscestors) is dead without a 'Shrotriya brahmin'. A 'Yagya' gets destroyed if alms are not given.

Yaksha asked: What is directon? What is water? What is foodgrain? What is poison? What is the time for performing Shraddh? Tell me the answers and only after that you can drink the water.
Yudhisthira replied: The virtuous man is the direction. Sky is the water. Earth is the food grains. Lust is the poison. Brahmin is the 'time' for the performance of Shraddh (remembering ancestors).

Yaksha asked: What are the signs of penance? What is 'dama' (restraint)? What is supreme forgiveness? What is prudency?
Yudhisthira replied: Remaining alert in one's own religion is penance. Subjugation of mind is called 'dama'. Bearing heat and cold is forgiveness. Keeping oneself away from works, which are not worth doing, is prudency.

Yaksha asked: What is knowledge? What is evenness? What is supreme compassion? What is simplicity?
Yudhisthira replied: The realization of the element of supreme self is knowledge. The pacification of the mind is eveness. Welfare is supreme compassion. Having evenness of mind is simplicity.

Yaksha asked: Who is the most invincible enemy of a man? What is an eternal malady? Who can be considered as a saint? Who is immoral and unrighteous?
Yudhisthira replied: Anger is the most invincible enemy of a man. One who has a sense of benefaction and does welfare to all the living creatures could be considered as a saint. A cruel man is unrighteous.

Yaksha asked: What is attachment? What is arrogance? What is Laziness? What is sorrow?
Yudhisthira replied: Ignorance of righteousness is attachment. Self proudiness is arrogance. Inability to follow the religion is laziness. Ignorance is sorrow.

Yaksha asked: What is 'stability' according to the sages? What is patience? What is the 'supreme-bath'? What is charity?
Yudhisthira replied: Remaining steady in one's own religion is stability. Control of sense organs is Patience. Relinquishing mental filth is supreme bath. Protection of the living beings is charity.

Yaksha asked: Who should be called a scholar? Who is an atheist? Who is a fool? What is desire (Kaam)? What is jealousy?
Yudhisthira replied: One who has the knowledge of religion should be called a scholar. Fools are atheists and atheists only are fools. The causes behind birth death and the word are desires. The envy of heart is jealousy.

Yaksha asked: What is egotism? What is proud? What is eternal destiny? What is backbiting?
Yudhisthira replied: The 'great-ignorance' egotism. Trying to prove onceself a virtuous person deceitfully is proud. The fruits of charities are eternal destiny. Putting blame on others is backbiting.

Yaksha asked: Religion, wealth and desire are mutually contradictory. How are these eternal-contradictory labours united at one place?
Yudhisthira replied: When religion and wife are not in opposition to each other and also are under the control of a man. Then religion, wealth and desire, these three contradictory labours are naturally united at one place.

Yaksha asked: Who attains to undiminishing hell?
Yudhisthira replied: A man who calls a poor brahmin for giving alms then changes his mind and does not give alms, goes to undiminishing hell. A man who keeps a 'false-intelligence' (disbelief) in the vedas, sacred scriptures, brahmins, deities and the religion of his forefathers, goes to undiminishing hell. A man attains to undiminishing hell who inspite of having wealth does not make charity or himself does not enjoy it.

Yaksha asked: Among the four things descent (clan), conduct, Self-study and listening to the scriptures, what proves brahmin?
Yudhisthira replied: Descent is not the cause for being a brahmin, neither self study nor listening to the scriptures proves brahminism. Undoubtedly only conduct proves brahminism.

Yaksha asked: What does a man who talks sweetly, gets? What does a manw ho does his work after great deliberation gets? What does a man with numerous friends get? What does a religious man gets?
Yudhisthira replied: A man who talks sweetly is dear to everybody. A man who does his work after great deliberation normally achieves success. A man who has numerous friends lives comfortably. A religious man attains to heavenly abode.

Yaksha asked: Who enjoys happiness contentment and tranquillity? What is wonder? What is 'path'? What is conversation?
Yudhisthira replied: A man who is not burdened by debts enjoys happiness contentment and tranquillity. Even if he eats cheap foods after five or six days he remains happy contented and tranquill. Everyday people are going to the abode of 'Yama' (dying), but the remaining people still have desire to live. This is the greatest wonder. Following the way shown by great people is path, because one does not reach anywhere by logic and debate. Also because there are many 'Shrutis', numerous opinions of sages and the element of religion being engulfed. The lord of death by stirring with a big spoon (months & seasons) in the stew pan which is like the great attachment and churning it by the fire (Sun), in the fuel (day & night), is conversation.

Yaksha asked: Who is a 'Man'? Who is the wealthiest man?
Yudhisthira replied: A person is worthy of being called a 'Man' is one whose fame of virtuous deeds remains intact till it's echo touches the heaven and earth. A man who remains 'even' in every situations i.e. fortune, misfortune, joys-sorrows, past, future, is the wealthiest man. A man who does not worry about his past, present and future always remains happy and in union with the almighty, is the lord of all the wealthy men.

The Yaksha asked eighteen questions on ethics, truth and dharma. Yudhisthira gave appropriate answers to all the questions. Now he was very pleased with Yudhisthira. On the request of Yudhisthira, the Yaksha said, I am Dharma your father, I wanted to see you. I stole the 'arani' of the brahmin. Saying this he turned into his resplendent form. Yudhisthira prostrated himself at the feet of his father. Dharma restored all the Pandavas to life. He also gave a boon to Yudhisthira that, the Pandavas would not be found during their thirteenth year of exile, as he was shielded by dharma. All the Pandavas received the blessings of Dharma.

Yudhishthira: One's mother is heavier than the earth; one's father is higher than the mountains. The mind is faster than wind and our worries are more numerous than straws.

Dharma: Who is the friend of a traveler? Who is the friend of one who is ill and one who is dying?

Yudhishthira: The friend of a traveler is his companion. The physician is the friend of one who is sick and a dying man's friend is charity.

Dharma: What is that which, when renounced, makes one lovable? What is that which is renounced makes happy and wealthy?

Yudhishthira: Pride, if renounced makes one lovable; by renouncing desire one becomes wealthy; and to renounce avarice is to obtain happiness.

Dharma: What enemy is invincible? What constitutes an incurable disease? What sort of man is noble and what sort is ignoble?

Yudhishthira: Anger is the invincible enemy. Covetousness constitutes a disease that is incurable. He is noble who desires the well-being of all creatures, and he is ignoble who is without mercy.

Dharma: Who is truly happy? What is the greatest wonder? What is the path? And what is the news?

Yudhishthira: He who has no debts is truly happy. Day after day countless people die. Yet the living wish to live forever. O Lord, what can be a greater wonder? Argument leads to no certain conclusion, the Srutis are different from one another; there is not even one Rishi whose opinion can be accepted by all; the truth about Dharma and duty is hid in caves of our heart: therefore, that alone is the path along which the great have trod. This world full of ignorance is like a pan. The sun is fire, the days and nights are fuel. The months and the seasons constitute the wooden ladle. Time is the cook that is cooking all creatures in that pan (with such aids); this is the news.


Rajesh KVP

Friday, July 01, 2011

High BP Control through Diet

An interesting link to eat foods.. proven to reduce high Blood Pressure.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Good Karma vs Bad Karma

An article on Good Karma vs Bad Karma


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Japan's Earthquake/Tsunami/Nuclear/Economic Disaster - Donate generously

Hi Friends,
 Some more videos of Japan's Earthquake/Tsunami/Nuclear/Economic Disaster. Interested folks please come forward and donate through International Agencies (like Redcross) and don't declare it to us. I have listed Google's crisis response International Agency below, if you are interested to donate. (Ekantika isn't collecting any donations on this cause so don't donate to Ekantika for this cause, but definitely encouraging you folks to donate directly, if you are interested in helping).
Tsunami wave destroying a town

Japan's earthquake, Tsunami survivors Begin Digging out as death toll climbs

Damage and Survivors in Japan

Japan Before and After Earthquake

8.8/8.9/9.0 magnitude values declared.. the scene inside the shaking building

Japan How to Help ? - Google Crisis response Provides methods to donate.

For latest information on Japan's crisis :

Rajesh KVP

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Friends Please donate generously to International Aid Agencies Supporting Japan in the wake of Earthquake/Tsunami/Nuclear/Economic Crisis that hit Japan last week and ongoing..

Hi All,
Friends, Please donate generously to International Aid Agencies Supporting Japan in the wake of Earthquake/Tsunami/Nuclear/Economic Crisis that hit Japan last week and ongoing..
Saturday, March 12, 1:37 (JST) INSIDE JAPAN
Hardships, suffering in earthquake zone Rescue workers used chain saws and hand picks Monday to dig out bodies in devastated coastal towns, as the nation faced a mounting humanitarian, nuclear and economic crisis in the aftermath of a massive earthquake and tsunami that likely killed thousands. Millions of people spent a third night without water, food or heating in near-freezing temperatures along the northeastern coast as death estimates continued to rise. More than 10,000 people are estimated to have died in Friday's tragedy, which is causing hardships on a scale that hasn't been seen since World War II. In many areas there is no running water, no power, and four- to five-hour waits for gasoline. People are suppressing hunger with instant noodles or rice balls while dealing with the loss of their loved ones and homes. (Japan Times)
Tsunami-ravaged hospitals leave the sick in misery Within the dark and fetid wards of the Senen General Hospital, some 120 patients lie in their beds or slumped in wheelchairs, moaning incoherently.
"There is no food!" cries an old man in a blue gown, to no one in particular.
Last week's powerful earthquake and tsunami heaped untold new misery on those already suffering - thousands of elderly, infirm and sick people in hospitals that were laid to waste by the violent shaking and the walls of water that followed. There are no figures yet on how many hospitals were ravaged, but few could have escaped unscathed given the scale of the destruction.
Senen General Hospital in Takajo town, near Miyagi prefecture's capital of Sendai, had about 200 patients when the earthquake hit, tossing its medical equipment around and collapsing part of the ceiling in one wing.
All of its food and medicine was stored on the first floor. Everything was ruined or lost in the 30 minutes when Takajo, a small town of about 12,000, was flooded by the tsunami. (AP)
Radiation leaps after Japan plant blasts  Japan warned radioactive levels had become "significantly" higher around a quake-stricken nuclear power plant on Tuesday after explosions at two reactors, and the French embassy said a low level radioactive wind could reach Tokyo by the evening. Prime Minister Naoto Kan urged people within 30 km (18 miles) of the facility north of Tokyo to remain indoors, underscoring the dramatic worsening of Japan's nuclear crisis, the world's most serious since the Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine in 1986. Winds over the facility are blowing slowly in a southwesterly direction that includes Tokyo but will shift westerly later on Tuesday, a weather official said.
Crisis continues at Fukushima nuclear plant as fuel rods exposed again  A crisis continued Tuesday at the troubled No. 2 reactor at the quake-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, as fuel rods became fully exposed again after workers recovered water levels to cover half of them in a bid to prevent overheating. The plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co., said steam vents of the pressure container of the reactor that houses the rods were closed probably due to the battery problem, raising fears that its core will melt at a faster pace. The firm said it will first lower the pressure of the reactor by releasing radioactive steam and open the vents with new batteries to resume the operation to inject seawater to cool down the reactor.
Source :

The risks of radiation exposure

Hi All,
  Let us understand the risk to radiation exposure.. and the Risks involved. How to protect oneself from absorbing Radioactive Iodine.
The risks of radiation exposure
Leaks, explosions and meltdowns at any of Japan’s troubled nuclear reactors could expose large numbers of people to radiation. These are some of the potential health risks of radiation exposure and how the condition can be treated.
Health risks
Humans are exposed to low doses of radiation on a daily basis, including natural sources such as the sun and radon in the soil, medical tests such as CT scans, and from industrial and commercial products such as tobacco and smoke detectors.
Mapping the scenes of destruction in Japan
Ground level view of tsunami's carnage
The cumulative effect of this low dose of exposure is not clearly understood, said Fiona McNeill, a professor of applied radiation sciences at McMaster University in Hamilton.
But the fear in Japan is that damage to nuclear plants could result in the release of high doses of radiation and those dangers are far more clear.
Dr. McNeill said the health effects of radiation exposure are strongly dose related: The greater and more prolonged the exposure, the sicker a person gets.
Most of what we know about the dangers radiation poses to human health comes from studies of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the Second World War, and large-scale nuclear industrial accidents such as Chernobyl in 1986 and Three Mile Island in 1979.
Radiation dosage is measured in sieverts (Sv). A dose as small as 0.25 Sv can cause detectable changes in blood but signs of radiation sickness do not usually appear below 0.1 Sv.
The first signs of radiation sickness are nausea and vomiting and, by 0.3 Sv, hair loss. Radiation can damage the gastrointestinal tract, the reproductive tract and, in particular, the thyroid.
Radiation also destroys white blood cells, leaving people susceptible to infection. With mass exposure, such as would occur with an explosion at a nuclear plant, the greatest risk in the short term would by the rapid spread of infectious disease.
By 4.5 Sv exposure, about half of people exposed die and 8 Sv or more is invariably fatal.
At Chernobyl, for example, firefighters at the scene were exposed to more than 16 Sv of radiation, while those living in surrounding areas had exposure ranging from 0.5 Sv to 5 Sv.
Over the long term, exposure to radiation, because it damages bone marrow, greatly increases the risk of developing cancer, particularly leukemia and thyroid cancer.
Treatment and prevention
When there is a threat of radioactive material being released, the first action of public health officials is to evacuate citizens from the immediate area of a plant, to minimize exposure.
After a leak occurs, one of the key actions is the simplest: To decontaminate. That means removing clothes and shoes – which capture about 90 per cent of radioactive particles in the air – and washing away residue. It is particularly important to keep radioactive particles away from wounds.
In news reports, you will often hear of plans to distribute “iodine.” In fact, the pill that is used is potassium iodide. Iodine is essential to proper function of the thyroid gland and the thyroid will absorb radioactive iodine; iodine is given because it will fill the space in the thyroid and prevent radioactive material from being absorbed.
There’s a catch, though: “It only works if you take the potassium iodide tables before being exposed to radioactive iodine,” Dr. McNeill said. So the pills need to be distributed and taken before a leak occurs.
People who suffer from radiation sickness, meaning they have ingested or absorbed significant quantities of radioactive material (of which there are several kinds) can be treated with drugs called filgrastim (brand name Neupogen) or pegfilgrastim (Neulasta). These blood-derived medications stimulate the growth of white blood cells and help people fight off infections.
Prussian blue is a dye that binds to the radioactive elements cesium and thallium and helps the body excrete them. Another drug, DTPA (Diethylene Triamine Penta Acetic Acid) acts in a similar manner to help clear the body of the radioactive elements plutonium, americium and curium.
{This blog is used only to spread awareness of the effects of Radioactive material and not to intend any harm, either to person/country}

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Japan M8.9 Earthquake Effect : More Videos & News

Hi All,

Damage from megaquake increasing, death toll feared to top 1,600

Tsunami rose to a height of 3 floor City Hall Building
from the 4th floor of City hall building no buildings could be seen
55 lakh people without electricty
1 lakh people without water
3400 partially/full destroyed buildings
expected death toll above 1600
Nuclear plant "Tokyo Electric Power Co's Fukushima No. 1-> Nuclear plant exploded and injured 4 workers


Japan Tsunami and after effects : Pictures

Source : NDTV website

Tsunami pics

Waves of tsunami hit residences after a powerful earthquake in Natori, Miyagi prefecture (state), Japan.

Flames rise from an oil refinery after a powerful earthquake in Ichihara, Chiba prefecture (state), Japan.

Sendai Airport is surrounded by waters in Miyagi prefecture (state), Japan.

A building is in flames near Sendai airport, Miyagi prefecture (state).

Tsunami swirls near a port in Oarai, Ibaraki Prefecture (state) after Japan was struck by a strong earthquake off its northeastern coast on Friday

Houses are in flame while the Natori river is flooded over the surrounding area by tsunami tidal waves in Natori city, Miyagi Prefecture, northern Japan

People wait for buses at a bus terminal near Tokyo railway station as train and bus services were suspended. The largest earthquake in Japan's recorded history slammed the eastern coasts Friday

People gather outside Sendai station after a powerful earthquake hit northern Japan on Friday March 11, 2011. The ferocious tsunami spawned by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded slammed Japan's eastern coast Friday, killing scores of people as it swept away boats, cars and homes while widespread fires burned out of control

A child reacts to an aftershock at a temporary shelter in Tokyo for people affected by a strong earthquake which hit Japan on Friday

In central Tokyo, trains were stopped and passengers walked along the tracks to platforms. NHK said more than 4 million buildings without power in Tokyo and its suburbs

TV footage showed a large building on fire and bellowing smoke in the Odaiba district of Tokyo

A woman caught in the fury is seen desperately waving a flag and asking for help

An entire bridge was uprooted due to the sheer force of the devastating earthquake. This was massive

The owner of a ceramic shop checks his damaged wares following the massive 8.9-magnitude earthquake in Tokyo on March 11, 2011

Dozens of fires were reported in northern prefectures of Fukushima, Sendai, Iwate and Ibaraki. Houses collapsing and landslides were also reported in Miyagi

In various locations along Japan's coast, TV footage showed severe flooding, with dozens of cars, boats and even buildings being carried along by waters. A large ship swept away by the tsunami rammed directly into a breakwater in Kesennuma city in Miyagi prefecture, according to footage on public broadcaster NHK

The quake that struck 2:46 p.m. was followed by a series of aftershocks, including a 7.4-magnitude one about 30 minutes later. The U.S. Geological Survey upgraded the strength of the first quake to a magnitude 8.8

Several quakes had hit the same region in recent days, including a 7.3 magnitude one on Wednesday

Thirty minutes after the quake, tall buildings were still swaying in Tokyo and mobile phone networks were not working. Japan's Coast Guard has set up task force and officials are standing by for emergency contingencies, Coast Guard official Yosuke Oi said

In downtown Tokyo, large buildings shook violently and workers poured into the street for safety. TV footage showed a large building on fire and bellowing smoke in the Odaiba district of Tokyo

TV announcers urged viewers near the shore to move to strong concrete buildings and stay above the third floor

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii said a tsunami warning was in effect for Japan, Russia, Marcus Island and the Northern Marianas. A tsunami watch has been issued for Guam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and the U.S. state of Hawaii

Here a washed out scene after the waves swept the area
The destruction has been massive and scary to say the least.

The tsunami roared over embankments in Sendai city, washing cars, houses and farm equipment inland before reversing directions and carrying them out to sea

The tsunami roared over embankments in Sendai city, washing cars, houses and farm equipment inland

The ceiling in Kudan Kaikan, a large hall in Tokyo, collapsed, injuring an unknown number of people, NHK said

Vehicles are crushed by a collapsed wall at a carpark in Mito city in Ibaraki prefecture on March 11, 2011 after a massive earthquake rocked Japan

Japanese tourists watch a TV news program about a strong earthquake hitting their country at Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea

Black smoke rises from a burning building in Tokyo Bay area after Japan was struck by a magnitude 8.9 earthquake off its northeastern coast on Friday

Smoke rises from a burning building in Tokyo after Japan was struck by a magnitude 8.9 earthquake off its northeastern coast on Friday

Warnings have also been issued for Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Chile, Peru. There is no Tsunami warning issued for the Indian Ocean

The signs of ravage were visible all over, with roads caving in and buildings collapsing

In this video image taken from Japan's NHK TV, ships and boats are washed ashore in Hachinohe, Aomori Prefectur, Japan Friday March 11, 2011 following a masive earth quake

In this video image taken from Japan's NHK TV, an oil refinery burns in Ichihara, Chiba Prefecture Japan

Reporters at the Associated Press Tokyo Bureau in Tokyo take shelter under a table while a strong earthquake strikes eastern Japan Friday afternoon, March 11, 2011

The meteorological agency issued a tsunami warning for the entire Pacific coast of Japan. National broadcaster NHK was warning those near the coast to get to safer ground

Train passengers watch TV at Tokyo's Shinagawa train station to get first-hand information on a very strong earthquake on Friday March 11, 2011

A station staff directs passengers at Tokyo's Shinagawa train station after a magnitude 8.9 earthquake slammed Japan's eastern coast on Friday March 11, 2011

People walk past a ruined bus stop which was crushed by part of fallen outer wall of a nearby building in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture (state) after Japan was struck by a strong earthquake off its northeastern coast Friday, March 11, 2011

A magnitude 8.9 earthquake slammed Japan's northeastern coast Friday, unleashing a 13-foot (4-meter) tsunami that swept boats, cars, buildings and tons of debris miles inland. Fires triggered by the quake burned out of control up and down the coast.

In this video image taken from Japan's NHK TV, water floods across the runway as airplanes are seen parked near the airport building at Sendai Airport, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan Friday March 11, 2011 following a massive earth quake


Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan Tsunami : Videos - Mar 11, 2011

TOKYO: The biggest earthquake to hit Japan in 140 years struck the northeast coast on Friday, triggering a 10-metre tsunami that swept away everything in its path, including houses, cars and farm buildings on fire.
Japan hit by quake measuring 8.9 on Richter scale
Sendai Airport submerged
Japan quake causes fires, landslides
Japan: 5 nuclear plants shut down
13-foot tsunami hits northern coastline

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Akshardham - Can it be the 8th Wonder of The World ?

Hi All,

What a wonderful Temple & Structure at Delhi - India

"Namaste, Swaminarayan Akshardham in New Delhi epitomizes 10,000 years of Indian culture in all its breathtaking grandeur, beauty, wisdom and bliss.

It brilliantly showcases the essence of India's ancient architecture, traditions and timeless spiritual messages. The Akshardham experience is an enlightening journey through India's glorious art, values and contributions for the progress, happiness and harmony of mankind.

The grand, ancient-styled Swaminarayan Akshardham complex was built in only five years through the blessings of HDH Pramukh Swami Maharaj of the Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS) and the colossal devotional efforts of 11,000 artisans and BAPS volunteers. The complex was inaugurated on 6 November, 2005.

Akshardham means the eternal, divine abode of the supreme God, the abode of eternal values and virtues of Akshar as defined in the Vedas and Upanishads where divine bhakti, purity and peace forever pervades.

For the first time ever the world witness the heritage of India in all its facets, insights and beauty at the Swaminarayan Akshardham through its mandir, exhibitions, verdant gardens and other attractions.


Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Hi All,
To know the Shakti’s of your Nakshatras :
Read this link :