Sunday, November 07, 2010

How to have a healthy Life by following some simple steps :

Have a Strict Life/Habitual Pattern :-

1. Exercise about 20-30 mins without fail everyday
2. Have lots of fluids (about 8-12 glasses of water) + fruits
3. Eat moderately 4 meals a day at 4 hrs interval (or morning & afternoon normal and night moderate)
(say 8am,12pm,4pm,8pm) or accordingly with 4 hrs gap..
important is 4hrs gap..
4. Avoid coffee/tea or if you are habituated limit to 2 coffee's per day
(to avoid caffeine related problems)
5. Alcohol is strict No. But if you are a social drinker 1 or max 2 pegs
(But have a limit on how much you consume in a week)
6. You can eat spicy food..but not too spicy.
Also, don't eat spicy food everyday.. that's the trick..
7. Sleep about 7hrs a day (try and follow a strict pattern of sleep whenever you sleep)

Rajesh KVP

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